Thursday, December 01, 2011

Keep Hanging On

I've mentioned many times that along with making sure my wife grieves properly after my unfortunate passing, everyone should also know that if I'm a vegetable or whatever in the hospital, there's no way in hell I'm okay with them pulling the plug on me.  I don't care if it goes on for decades and drains the finances of each and every one of my children (and my children's children), don't you dare let some asshole claim "Xmastime wouldn't wanna be a burden on us, he'd want us to pull the plug!", for you will know it's all in black & white here: keep me plugged in!

And now in the NY Times today I see that thanks to Ambien, there's even MORE of a reason to keep me plugged in.  Yes!

Tho I still wanna pull this goof off one day:
It's so easy to set up a Yahoo or Hotmail account with any name you want. So surely I cannot be the first person to come up with a way of freaking out relatives of the deceased, can I? Somebody has an Aunt Peggy that just died, for instance. How sad. Now what if one morning you open up the ol' Inbox and there it email from the grave.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peggy Smiff []
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 8:56 AM
To: Smiff, Rhonda
Subject: Re:

I can't believe you let them pull plug on me. And you wonder why you were never my favorite. Thanks a lot, you bitch.

Aunt Peggy

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