Thursday, December 01, 2011

Art as Life as Art

I've seen the Seinfeld episode The Jacket approximately 10000 times; as I wrote HERE it's one of the few good episodes from, the first season:
The Jacket (2/6/91)
Now this is actually a good one. Watching George and Jerry squirm with Elaine's stern father is fun. George trying to guess the price of Jerry's new jacket is awesome, and his " I don't think there's ever been an appointment in my life where I wanted the other guy to show up" line is one I still live by.
Turns out that Elaine's scary writer father was based on Richard Yates, who was the father of a girl Larry David once dated, and David had once sat through an uncomfortable meeting with him AND ruined his jacket because he was so intimidated by Yates.
Yates didn’t drink too heavily at the Algonquin, but he wheezed and muttered and seemed none too keen on David, who was thoroughly intimidated. As in the “Seinfeld” episode, when it came time to leave the hotel, David had a problem: now it was snowing outside and he was wearing a brand new suede jacket that was likely to be ruined by the snow. He considered turning it inside out but the jacket’s lining was garish (pink and white stripes on "Seinfeld"), and he didn’t want to be ridiculed by Richard Yates. Swallow the pride or swallow the expense? "I decided to eat the jacket," David told Bailey. "It was never the same."
AND Yates lived long enough to watch the episode! (and hate it of course.) 

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