Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Oh, Camon.

Thinkprogress for some reason thinks it's "BREAKING NEWS!" that Michele Bachmann doesn't let her daughters ask boys out, insisting they go the old-fashioned route of waiting for the boys to ask them out.  I don't really know what the problem is - if they're her kids, she certainly has the right to set some dating rules, no? TP seems to have mindlessly lumped this in with Bachmann's narrow-mindedness when it comes to things such as a woman's right to choose or gay people having rights, missing the point that Bachmann hasn't suggested it become a federal law that ALL families govern their daughters' dating thusly.  And when it comes to asinine, ignorant things Bachmann has said in the last few years during her quest for a gold medal in the GOP Batshit Olympics, this doesn't make the top thousand, so.  I mean, come the fuck on - while it's one thing to dictate irrational federal policy about everyone ELSE'S daughter, it's perfectly natural to be irrational inside your own home when it comes to your own daughter.  I for one am not looking forward to Cherry Bomb's first date; me and Op despondent at the Nest, shaking our heads as I say over and over "I mean, wtf - wasn't it just yesterday she was painting my nails and making me learn the names of her Barbie Dolls??!"

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