Thursday, December 15, 2011

Potassium. It's Important.

7) Speaking of used sperm accounts. Can dudes knock off this crap where every time a girl comes on the tv screen and she’s eating an ice cream cone we all hafta roll our eyes “oh MAN, she’s killing me, she doesn’t even know what she’s doing to me!!” and slap each other five; I guess to celebrate all the blow jobs we’ve been getting. Yes, I know you get so much pussy you can’t look a girl without being reminded of how you are serviced every 3 hours. Good for you. I don’t have a problem seeing a girl eating an ice cream cone, I don’t picture my dick as a creamy, gelatinous thing that melts in your mouth. I guess I’m strange that way. Or a banana, dudes do this one too. Freak out when they see a girl eating a banana. Cause I guess the first thing you’d like a girl to do with your dick is peel off the skin on all four sides before biting into it. Let’s be honest here: the only exciting thing to see a girl start eating are McNuggets cause I know that after one bite she’ll shriek at how disgusting they are and give the rest to me.

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