Thursday, December 15, 2011

Unemployment Insurance

THIS STUDY HERE shows what people who don't worship at the alter of FOX News already know, that people who receive unemployment benefits work harder trying to find a job than those who don't, and they make this point:
And this makes sense. Federal unemployment insurance requires recipients to actively look for new work, and also gives them more flexibility to do. Someone with no job and no UI benefits will likely have to focus first on paying bills on a day-to-day basis before finding a job for the long-term.
Gee, I thought they were all buying up scratch tickets and laughing at Uncle Sam for being a sucker while they motor around in their gold-dipped Caddies.  Hmm.

One thing I never see mentioned in these articles is to wonder how many people are literally too broke to even physically or logistically try to get a job.  If you're getting unemployment insurance, you have money for transportation, so you can go around looking for work or get to a job interview if you have one.  Maybe you can buy a new shirt or tie, whatever.  Sadly, I bet there's plenty of people who don't get UI and are so broke they can't afford bus fare, which spirals them to even lower depths of despair until they've lost all hope. 

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