Monday, December 19, 2011

Up & Coming, Indeed

SMASHED BURGERS: "In truth the burger style we've taken to calling "smashed burgers" can probably found wherever greasy-spoon short-order cooks are serving up sandwiches made from fresh-ground beef cooked on a superhot griddle. But I've seen this technique applied most consistently in mom-and-pop lunch counters in the Midwest, so it's classified here under "regional styles."

I've been smashed. And I've had a burger. But I've never had a smashed burger. Hey, wouldn't you think that's what they'd call kobe beef? Hmm.

GRADE: never had one, tho I'm way into flat & crusty. But enough about my first girlfriend, let's move on. - XMASTIME
I don't know or care about business or Forbes or whatnot, but as you already know I do know and loves me some cheeseburgers, so it's a thrill to see Forbes list Smashburger at the very top of it's Most Promising Company list.  Fucking burgers, I get.

Of course I'm miffed Weightfuckers is gonna hafta wait another year for it's own moment in the Sun, but I can wait.

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