Thursday, December 15, 2011

Xmas Xarols

Surely there is some terrible speed-metal band out there that has a song to the tune of Silent Night entitled Violent Night, right?  There's gotta be, right? I mean, if not, I'll really lose some faith in humanity.

Also, I'm surprised that what with my favorite Christmas carols being sad ones, Baby It's Cold Outside doesn't make my list.  Not because I like it or think it's a good song, but that it's clearly about a girl who's about to be raped.  And that's really sad.  See:   :(


Pops said...

From "A Very Zombie Christmas":

(youtube also shows a "Silent Night, Violent Night" by a band called Coven, but not XMas-themed, that I can tell)

Xmastime said...

howd i know i could count on you for this one? ;)

Pops said...

You're like a master fisherman. You know exactly what baits to use to snag the Pops Fish.