Monday, December 12, 2011

You Say It's Your Birfday, Nah-Nah-NahNah NahNah

I've said before that I'm pretty much the opposite of my father - while he was a serious, sober man whom I saw laugh exactly once, I am a total fucking buffoon.  But we both love music - he played the trumpet, loved playing his military march records (puke) and sang (much to our embarrassment) in church; I melt faces with my axe in the most unimportant rock band known to man.  Also, we both have a thing for international travel - he loved nothing more than spending an hour after Sunday dinner talking about spinning around Portugal and onto the Mediterranean Sea on a ship in the Marines in the early '60s, and dreaming of visiting Ireland.  He also loved singing the French National Anthem anytime anyone would give him a chance, which thankfully was almost never. Me,  I've seen every episode of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, so.  Kinda the same thing.  He read The Story of Civilization, I read Garfield at Large.  Spooky!

Everything else in me is from my mother.  I'm funny, I never say anything once when I can say it twice, and I hate entitled white people.  Also like her, I have no taste for fine wine, but enjoy it.

If I ever have  kid and he's not 6'9" with a great cross-over, he's fucked.

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