Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Eddie Brill

Long ago, I wrote that most women aren't funny because they're not expected to be.

After a controversial interview with the New York Times, Late Night with David Letterman comic booker Eddie Brill has gotten fired, and the "gotcha!" quote seems to be:
“There are a lot less female comics who are authentic. I see a lot of female comics who to please an audience will act like men.”
To be a devil's advocate, first of all, I wonder how many women comedians made it as far as Mr. Brill's desk in the first place.  10% of all applicants? 20%?  5%, if that? How many women are out there trying to be comedians? But more importantly, why would such a comment even be so controversial?  Aren't we in the midst of The Chelsea Handler Era -  a woman with a late night show, a primetime sitcom and countless best-selling books - which most prizes the very vulgarities associated with men: casual sex, flatulism, belching, and boozing? Is Lisa Lampenelli not the hottest female comedian out there now? Whitney Cummings has an eponymous sitcom wherein her character insists on refusing to marry her boyfriend, therein providing him with all the sex he wants with no commitment, ie, the male ideal.  Obviously, Chelsea and Whitney are signalling to other women "if you wanna play with the big boys, act like a boy." 

I'm not saying any of this is right, I'm just asking why is this Eddie Brill's fault?

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