Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Float Away

It occurred to me that 2012 is the 10-year anniversary of Marah's Float Away with the Friday Night Gods, which at the time was their "will they or won't they", break-out or breakup record that rather predictably served as the dividing line between the fans that were there from the beginning and those who would only hear them after they "sold out"; ie Let It Be vs. Tim. I mean hell, there's still people furious that The Beatles outgrew The Cavern Club and resent that the rest of the world became privy to their little secret.

Float Away is still my favorite Marah album - while Kids in Philly is one of the defining albums of my lifetime, when listened to objectively Float Away hits harder and closer to me personally.   Leaving in particular is a desert island funeral slice - the catching of breath going into the final verse is one of my favorite rock 'n roll moments of all time (yes, that's Greggumz with a Z.)  

Don't take my word for it? Visit five years ago when Paddy Mac and Theodore, the Conservative Bear, fought it out. Gotdam.


The Gnat said...

Nope - you are still wrong about Float Away. It has some great moments like Leaving, but misses on many others and lacks the intimacy that Marah more often exhibits everywhere else. For my money, Cut the Crap is as good as Kids because it has edge and demonstrates the breadth of their talent and potential. Remember when you said "that Black Dog stuff is too country for me. I maybe like the Neckbones if any of them."

Xmastime said...

ha! :) while i love FA and wish the songs would come more into the live rotation, Cut the Crap and Kids are desert album slices and you wont hear a peep from me against them.