Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Light At the end of the Tunnel?

This is pretty great :
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) spent his first year in office trading in the welfare of thousands of vulnerable Michiganders in order to cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy. Hoping to refocus priorities in 2012, the state’s Senate Democrats have released a new plan that puts Michigan students ahead of wealthy corporations.

Under the Michigan 2020 Plan, Michigan’s high school graduates will be eligible for free tuition at one of Michigan’s community colleges or universities, where the median tuition level is currently around $9,575 per year. The program will be funded entirely by eliminating $3.5 billion in tax credits and loopholes and putting that money towards students
That's a pretty amazing about-face in the...well, face, of the last thirty years of corporate fetishism in America.  Maybe things really CAN change because of a buncha hippies playing drums in public. Of course, we'll see if it actually happens, but still this is heartening news.

Perhaps Gov. Snyder heard about the million people who have signed up for the Send Scott Walker Back to Asshole College (Where He Gradauted Summa Cum Douche) Project.

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