Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ramsay Calling

Robin Leach (say it with me: "THAT Robin Leach??!!?") interviews the somewhat-under-the-radar for a while Gordon Ramsay, who seems poised to take over our lives once again, thank God:
R.L.: You had a lot of family problems in England where your restaurant business is headquartered. Are all resolved and behind you?

G.R.: Yes, pretty much. We’re coming to the end of the litigation. As you know, last year we had a huge clear-out, there were certain things going on that I wasn’t happy about. It’s always difficult when it’s family involved, but I’ve just turned 45 and back in control. So, I spent the last 18 months consolidating, and we’ve been weeding out the baggage. New structure, a new talented head chef coming through, but more importantly, we’re making great headway.

(Editor’s Note: Gordon and his in-laws were embroiled last year in massive legal fights over a financial family feud, and his father-in-law Chris Hutcheson left as CEO of Gordon’s business empire. The Scottish-born chef who was given the Order of the British Empire by the Queen of England said he was “betrayed” and “let down” by six people he accused of withdrawing millions of dollars and employing others on company payrolls without permission. Gordon said he was vindicated when he won the first of the lawsuits in December when a High Court judge ordered his relatives to pay his costs.)
Full disclosure: YES, I've met Gordon, no big deal really, he's just another guy like you or me, don't start that "Xmastime you're a hero" shit; mainly, I hope he comes out with a show that reminds us of the quiet work of the original BBC Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and not the horrific American-ized FOX Kitchen Nightmares, which I Mad-Libbed HERE.  In any event, any mention of Gordon is a great excuse to re-post Little Gordon Ramsay  :)

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