Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Today in Tittays

AnnaLynne Mccord, whoever the hell that is, apparently accidentally Twittered a picture of one of her tittays to 100K people. What's the real news of course is somehow I have yet to see anyone make the obvious connection to the most famous nip slip of all time.  I mean, what the fuck people?  WAKE UP!

ELAINE: You cannot believe what I'm going through. That card is plastered all over the office. Everybody is calling me, Nip! ... Yeah. That's my new nickname at the office. Nip! These guys keep asking me out for drinks. Not only that, Fred, you know the guy I told you about? He hasn't called me in three days. ... [sees card] Oh please!
GEORGE: Hey. How come I didn't get a Christmas card? Everybody else got one. Jerry got one, Kramer got one. I thought we were good friends. I don't get a Christmas card. I don't get it.
ELAINE: You want a Christmas card? You want a Christmas card? All right here. [rubs George's head on her breasts] Here's your Christmas card.

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