Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Ah Yes, Right on Cue

Brandon Jacobs has been an embarrassment for Giants fans over the last several years, and now of course he can't even let a Super Bowl win shut his fucking mouth, as now he's going after Gisele Bundchen.

I'll say what I've said for the last four years up to and including the Super Bowl, during which a Giants-loving friend had to agree with me: Brandon Jacobs is a fucking 6'4", 264-lb fucking baby who should be given a tutu to wear, the way he approaches a goddam line.  I have never in my life seen ANY running back, much less one the size of a Mack truck, so fucking scared to run north-south; he tip-toes his way away from a defender like he's trying to break into Miss Garrett's after curfew.  He's a fucking fairy, a fucking coward, and it's no surprise that he's STILL popping off with his mouth, since he has no balls on a  goddam football field.

But gee, he did have 37 more yards rushing in the Super Bowl than Gisele, so by all means he should feel emboldened to act like he's Jim fucking Brown.  This pussy's name should be Manifest Destiny, since he always insists on going West.

Fucking pussy.


Anonymous said...

I've never seen a big back so easy to stop. He usually done at first contact. Cornerbacks can take him one on one. Puss.

Anonymous said...

Brady has to go deck him to defend her honor.