Friday, February 24, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Men Don't Fall in Love with Whores

British chick is inspired to bang 1000 dudes like Samantha from Sex and the City, and blah blah blah:
But when she fell ill in 2000, aged 20, a pal gave her the first series of Sex And The City to watch. Christina said: “The thought of four women gloating about sleeping their way around New York hadn’t appealed to me but I had nothing better to do so I watched it.

“Samantha was sexy, confident and proud. She had a male attitude of sleeping around and it fascinated me.”But now Christina, 30, admits: “All I want is a man to love me – not one who just wants me for sex.”
Hmm.  Yeahhhhhh (voice of Gary Cole in Office Space)...that might be tough to do, now that you're famous as "the woman who slept with 1000 dudes because of a fictional character on a stupid show."

Sigh. Why can;t the planet simply listen to ol' Xmastime?
7) Everytime I brace myself and think that women have woken up and decided to take over the planet, they shoot themselves in the titties. Over the last few years I’ve been reading/hearing about more and more women deciding that they’re gonna “stick it to men” and show us that they can be like men when it came to sex. I guess a big reason for this was of course “Sex and the City.” Cracks me up. Women have had enough, gonna free themselves, gonna stick it to men by having sex!!!! Lots of it!! Round the clock!!!...of course, to be having all this sex, it's gotta be with are they having all this sex with...all together Hmm. What’s next, cows making themselves hamburgers? That’ll learn us! Men are supposedly idiots, but we’ve quietly steered women towards being promiscuous, dressing like sluts and sleeping around without the hassle of a relationship. Well. You showed us, sister! Best. Secret. Ever. Though. Now. Every. Woman. Is. Going. To. Hate. Me. Though. Not. As. Much. As. Guys. Since. Now. The. Best. Secret. Ever. Is. Out.
This reminds me - how's the chick looking to hit 1000 pounds doing?

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