Monday, February 27, 2012

Tax Cuts

Juan Williams VIA:
"The stimulus was one of the largest single tax cuts in U.S. history. To say the stimulus failed is to make the argument that tax cuts do not stimulate the economy. Ninety-five percent of all Americans got a tax cut under the plan. ... The next time a Republican brags about his or her opposition to the failed stimulus, a cynic might respond by asking why they hate tax cuts so much,"
This makes perfect sense to me since I mean, it's only been thirty years, how many more decades do we need to prove that "trickle down economuics" is a joke? A couple more? 40, 50 more years? Really? How many more generations can we keep this supply-side economics dream alive, like Harry Potter?

The point is that math does not compute once rich white guys are involved, so suck it, losers. USA! USA! USA! USA!

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