Monday, February 27, 2012

This Is What I Do, People

Peope are ripping Mitt Romney for this latest gaffe:
Asked by the AP reporter if he follows NASCAR, Romney responded, "Not as closely as some of the most ardent fans. But I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners."
Wow!  What a man of the people!

Yet nobody has the guts to take it as far as I do, that the next natural step would be to equate this with someone saying they're not racist because "one of my best friends is black!", and then the NEXT step in context with the Mitt quote would be "I don't really have any black friends.  But I have some great friends who are black owners", were this race in 1856.

Hey, I"m just making this for reals, people!!!

And REALLY - using "ardent" in a sentence? Really? Are you William Makepeace Thackery? For fuck's sake.

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