Thursday, February 02, 2012

To Meat or Not to Meat, That is the Question

Earlier today I was surprised to see that vegetarianism has gone out of style:
People look at me with a mix of pity and confusion, like I’m some holdover from the ’90s wearing a baby-doll dress with chunky shoes and babbling on about No Doubt. I can see what they’re thinking: "You’re still a vegetarian?" At some point over the past few years, vegetarianism went wholly out of style. Now sustainable meat is all the rage.
Now, it turns out that being a vegetarian means you're probably a fucking asshole:

Replacing red meat with grain products leads to many more sentient animal deaths, far greater animal suffering and significantly more environmental degradation. Protein obtained from grazing livestock costs far fewer lives per kilogram: it is a more humane, ethical and environmentally-friendly dietary option.
I can honestly say that when it comes to this subject, I will sleep peacefully tonight.


rrthur said...

wow. a new low

Xmastime said...

do you have a salient argument? keep in mind, Im on your side.

rrthurFOREVER!!! said...

indeed i do. ate meat my entire life. loved it. stopped 2 years ago. not even missing it. got bored as hell with my menu. went back on the meat train for 3 months. was ecstatic about eating real food again. about 2 weeks in, realized i was moving slower, feeling slower (and i'm SLOW to begin with). kept at it, cause it felt like the right thing to do. stopped again as i decided to give myself 3 months. now, feel amazingly better. that's all i got.

Xmastime said...
