Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Don Draper 3.0

Chuck Klosterman on Don Draper's bite being taken out by more and more people knowing his big secret:
That first reinvention no longer matters, because there's no longer any fear that he'll lose everything if his past is exposed. And that was what made Don Draper unstoppable — fear. He stoically lived in wordless fear, and that made him work harder (and better) than all those around him. But that period is over. The fear is gone. The unafraid person we now see might be the human he really is: Kind of lazy, distracted by cheap desires, and unable to reconcile the existential despair of excelling at a profession that's as unreal as the personality he occupied for most of his adult life. 
I for one was slightly surprised last night to find out his new wife knew. But that might be my own hangup, thinking of course Don Draper wouldn't REALLY take this little sex kitten seriously as  confidante. But then, maybe that's the whole point. That Don wouldn't, this Don does. I was also surprised that he was so "whatevs" when Peggy whiffed on Heinz, and like Klosterman did a "rut, Raggy?" (Scooby-Doo voice, NAILed it!) when he showed up late for work.

This is an interesting question:
Think about your most successful friend. Think about how you'd describe this friend to other people, and think about the elements of their personality you'd use to define their character.
Imagine my embarrassment when, after a few moments considering who my most successful friend was, I landed on ME - I actually giggled out loud "of COURSE it's you, silly goose!!"  Like Dick Cheney picking himself for vice-president! I mean let's be for reals - I've met Gordon Ramsay and you didn't, so.

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