Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Also, isn't it ironic that sandwiched between the two greatest upsets in NCAA Final history was a championship game that featured both of the Goliaths that were upset, yet nobody remembers that game at all? Funny. -  XMASTIME
I just now realized that Kentucky and Louisville are meeting in the semifinal; I'd thought there was a chance for them to meet in the Final, which would be the most interesting Finals matchup since...well, two decades ago, when I last watched this shit. Now, to me, any Final will be anticlimactic.

It reminds me of the 1983 Louisville/Houston semi; which, as stunning a finish the Final provided, was WAY better than the Final.

I guess it's not the end of the world. Duke/UNLV 1991 was a semi-final. Duke/KY 1992 wasn't even in the Final Four. Even though Indiana won on a last-second shot in the 1987 Final, it's previous  win over UNLV was more exciting. And I still don't believe it even happened.

Aw, well. Way the shit rolls out I guess.  But while Louisville/KY might be the only game all year I'll have watched from start to finish, I doubt I'll watch a minute of the Final on Monday night.

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