Friday, March 23, 2012

Here We Go Again

Apparently there's been a Twitter hoax claiming Paul McCartney is dead, similar to the infamous "Paul is Dead" rumors from over forty years ago. I don't wanna be a "things were better back in the olden days" guy, but I will say that getting a real rumor like that back in the late 60's was way more impressive - you not only had to put in the work to get the rumor going, but if you were on the receiving end it probably took a coupla days to find out the truth. Now it takes about 4 seconds to click a button to spread the rumor to millions, and about 2 seconds to find out if it's true or not.

Sigh. So, we can now add "creating a hoax that the bass player from The Beatles is dead" to the list of things my generation sucks at that already includes assassinations, racism-fueled violence, serial murderers, and pickpocketing. For fuck's sake, we're not even good at blackouts anymore. Is there no pride left in this world of ours? That makes me sad. See:  :(

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