Friday, April 06, 2012

Cause Fuck 'Em, Cont.

Yesterday HERE I mused, as I'm want to do whilst I'm musing, whether the whole "order Omama to write an essay" thing was normal federal court procedure, and THIS GUY HERE says not at all:
Smith's gratuitous order is little more than a thinly concealed insult to the president, the Justice Department and the administration. It constitutes a shocking departure from norms of judicial behavior. While such partisan bickering might be expected from the minority leader of the Senate or from commentators like Rush Limbaugh, who drew upon Obama's remarks in yet another entry in their relentless attacks on the president, it is hardly to be expected of a federal judge.
Still don't know why Holder appeased him. Shoulda gone with the whole spaghetti/tennis racket joint.

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