Friday, April 20, 2012


"Obsessed" is too strong a word, but I've spent the last two years waaaaaaay more concerned with death than I had in the previous 37 years combined, and it's because of a fear of death that I've lost the weight I have, as well as tried to make positive steps towards doing any fucking thing of worth with my life. The jury's still out on everything, but it turns out that in thinking about death, I may actually be cheering myself up:
Thinking about death can actually be a good thing as it leads people to bring positive changes to their lives and help others, a new report showed awareness of mortality can improve physical health and help us re-prioritize our goals and values, according to the latest analysis of recent scientific studies.Thinking about death can also promote better health. Recent studies have shown that when reminded of death people may opt for better health choices, such as using more sunscreen, smoking less, or increasing levels of exercise.
Unlike the advice in the article, I still ain't gonna be moseying round no cemeteries. Fuck that noise.

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