Monday, April 02, 2012

Fun Being Me du Jour

Listening to a "mix tape"drunkenly  thoughtfully made for my Office Crush a coupla weeks ago.

Sigh. QUITE a life I'm putting together here.


Sean said...

I was going to give you a big thumbs up for including Love Barge by Big Dipper (from their unfairly maligned major label record) but had to really jump up and take notice when I saw Chopper on your playlist. Dean, Chopper's bassist, was one of my college roommates. I was at their first show in some shithole in CT, stoned out of my mind. There was a mirrored wall on Dean's side of the stage, and I noticed that he kept hitting these rock hero poses while checking himself out in the mirror. I hid by the side of the stage and the next time he struck a Simonon pose, I jumped out and scared the shit out of him. At that moment, this was the funniest hint I had ever done, but then again, I was stoned.

Sean said...

Hint = Thing

Dean is one on the smartest people I have ever met, and definitely one of the nuttiest, one of nature's true anarchists. He lives in Philly now, works as a mad scientist for a Big Pharma company, and is in a new band called the GTVs ( who are pretty damn good.