Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh Oh

Tea Partiers proudly proclaim themselves as ideological descendants of the Founding Fathers are now gonna hafta wrestle with the fact that those very Founding Fathers were radical socialists who hated freedom and probably hung out with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright:
The founding fathers, it turns out, passed several mandates of their own. In 1790, the very first Congress—which incidentally included 20 framers—passed a law that included a mandate: namely, a requirement that ship owners buy medical insurance for their seamen. This law was then signed by another framer: President George Washington. That’s right, the father of our country had no difficulty imposing a health insurance mandate.
Will be interesting to see how they worm around this one. I'd assume an adamant refusal of facing facts or blaming Bill Clinton, but then they might be accused of relying too heavily on their greatest hits, so I'm looking forward to one of their new cuts.

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