Saturday, April 21, 2012


The guy who threw the perfect game just now for the White Sox makes me think of this poor bastard.

On a side note, I hate to say I'm right (hahahahahahahaahahha!) but I just read that Galarraga was released by the Orioles two weeks ago and isn't in the league anymore. He probably watched the White Sox perfect game on his couch like the rest of us, but thanks to his NON-perfect game he'll be remembered forever:
A month ago Galarraga was in the minors; if he had gotten the perfecto, he woulda been (rather creepily) the third pitcher to throw a perfect game in a month, after MLB took about 134 years to get to 18. Now, he and Joyce can spend years and years at memorabilia shows making a zillion dollars signing this photo like Branca/Thomson.
Another Side Note:
Another thing that will be lost in time because of this is that Austin Jackson made one of the greatest, clutch catches I've ever seen in my life in the 9th inning, which generations of Tigers fans would've yammered about for decades if Joyce had made the right call. Instead, probably not.

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