Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sweet, Dumb Child Of Mine

Axl Rose has rejected his honor from the Rock and Roll hall of Fame, which means another coupla years of publicity for what might be the most overrated band of my lifetime.

OH gee, looks like somebody is dragging out any semblance of credibility re: the whole 15 minutes of fame thing and OH NO!! some shithead whose band was wildly overrated in the first place a quarter of a century ago and has since become a national joke is now being badass and and refusing an award that inexplicably is being given to him!

My thoughts on Appetite HERE.

And Shithead HERE.

YES, I know he's thinkng "Wow, I'm so punk rock, I'm saying eff you to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!", but he's forgetting 1) it's 2012 and "punk rock" doesn't exist and 2) he's rebelling against something that anyone he might have even mildly looked up to as being "punk rock" would laugh at his even giving a shit about such a dumb fucking thing. This is like Tim Allen rebelling against ABC, for fuck's sake.

WOW, you're pissing off the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!! Gee, you're such a street punk - what's next, sending back a piece of China for having a scratch?  Your $100 bill isn't folded neatly? OOoooooh, scary stuff!!

What a fucking piece of shit.

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