Friday, April 20, 2012

This Is Fucking Depressing

Via Sully we see how Norway has reacted to last year's mass-murder:
But it is striking too what "July 22," as the attacks are commonly called in Norway, has not done. It has not made Norwegians more fearful of one another, or triggered calls for tougher anti-terrorist measures. Instead, many Norwegians say it has reaffirmed their faith in a society they like to see as liberal, tolerant and egalitarian...
In other words, the exact opposite of big, tough-talking America, who has spent the last 11 years shrieking like a little girl when a mouse walks into the room, eager to throw any and all civil rights out the window at the first "boo!"

On the other hand, I can't think of  single Norwegian chick I'd wanna bang, so they're not entirely off the hook either. Wait, Tiffani Amber-Theissen sounds Norweigy-ish, no? Close fucking enough I reckon.

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