Thursday, April 05, 2012

Twin Deaf-Tone

via SULLY we see the Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt lecturing high school seniors on "marriage equality", ie "Jesus would beat the shit outta some fags":
That’s right: Nienstedt planned to send teams of adults into Catholic schools to teach children that, if the Minnesota Catholic Church has its way in November, only some of them will be worthy of marriage when they grow up.
Of course it took the kids themselves about three minutes to realize only seniors were allowed at what turned out to be a GOP mini-rally/public berating because they're the ones that can vote in November.

I can't wait for the Tea Party to scramble the jets and flood Minneapolis with outrage re: the Catholic Church doing such a thing - after all, isn't this indoctrination? Surely Barry Yomama doesn't hold a monopoly on hypnotizing children into being crafted into his own image so that in his second term he can finally launch his apocalypse of socialism, right?

Hmm...still word on the outrage yet...

One comfort is the Church's insane tone-deafness here: if there's one way to make kids turn against the Catholic Church and gain even more empathy for marriage equality, then by all means send in the Catholic Church to scold them about the evils of marriage equality. A coupla more inappropriately political over-reaches like this and even the Pope will say "oh for chrissakes just let them get married already, you're driving me fucking nuts!"

On a side note, since bestiality came up at the meeting: four years ago I asked readers to send in their stories of their own marriages being destroyed because of gaty marriage becoming legal in some states, and I'm still waiting for the first story.  I'll extend my request to stories of people that entered same-sex marriages and then found themselves having sex with animals because of it.  Don't worry, I have a "pretty good" feeling that years from now I'll be waiting for that first story too.

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