Thursday, April 05, 2012


This is what we know about Xmastime:
I’m putting it in black and white right here: not now, nor will I ever proclaim that I want people having a good time at my funeral. Therefore the first fuckwad that says “Hey, Xmastime would want us to have fun” gets a boot heel to the throat. Also in black & white: not now, nor will I ever proclaim that I want my wife to get remarried after my death. If she starts throwing out that garbage “Oh Xmastime would want me to move on and be happy” SHE’S LYING!! DON’T BELIEVE HER!!! I’m looking to assign someone the job of making sure she visits the cemetery at least once a week and hurls herself on my grave wailing uncontrollably for an hour or so.
And this is what we read about today:
An 80-year-old woman with no flying experience took the controls of a small airplane after her pilot husband died during the flight, officials in Wisconsin said on Wednesday. She suffered minor injuries during the crash-landing.  
This woman is a heartless bitch - even worse, she is the Anti-Mrs. Xmastime; obviously my wife will sign a pre-nup stating that should I die while piloting a small plane, she will take the toggle stick and drive the fucker into the ground as hard as possible so as to immediately join me in eternity.

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