Thursday, April 05, 2012


The rumor is Kristen Wiig, Andy Samberg and Jason Sedukis are leaving Saturday Night Live, and I think they should move on. All three are really great, certainly the All-Stars of the last decade, but enoughs enough already. Personally, I think once you become movie stars of the magnitude Sedukis and Wigg (is about to be, anyway), you should be made to leave the show to make room for a scrappy upstart. I mean, you know these three can kinda breeze in and run the show and be in whatever sketches they want every week, clogging up someone else's chance to break out, in between hob-nobbing around Hollywood binges.

I'm not saying I'm sitting around crying in my beer for actor hopefuls, but movie stars clinging to SNL, to me, is kind of like movie superstars doing tv commercials:
Now every fucking commercial, you hear famous, big-time actors. DeNiro? Needs to sell cars? Oh, ye$$$$$$. Fuckwads. It's like if NBA players decided heeyyyy, why don't we go down and start playing the high school games too? But oh, every time you see one of these big stars being interviewed, they're waxing poetic, trying to melt our hearts re: their incredible struggle in the beginning, eating pancake batter, hustling. Now they're more than happy to trample over both struggling unknowns and people who have been making a very good living doing commercials. No sense of team spirit, cause if you're sittin on $245M, why not grab another $100k? Which would make absolutely no difference in your life or career, but could absolutely change some kid's life at the bottom. But fuck him, you need more.
And the same goes for kids movies:
And now I've noticed this has happened with children's shows as well. I was watching Cyberchase this afternoon, and I'm like "what the...Gilbert Gottfired? Christopher Walken? Really?" Why the fuck would someone waste so much money and clog up another slot from a newcomer looking to break in when kids don't know or give a fuck who the voices are anyway? At no point did one of the kids I was with say "hey, I know that voice - it's the guy who played annoying Carlton's nephew in the unfairly derided and overlooked Wings!" and then jump on the phone to call all his friends "you gotta watch this show!!!"
Of course you can't blame the actors themselves for saying "yes" to gobs of oney being waved at them, a fundamental part of the business needs to change and, judging from this post, I'm the one who should be in charge of it.

You're welcome, America.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

I agree wholeheartedly on the actors' voiceovers in kid's movies. There would be no Mel Blanc if in the 40s-50s, MGM or WB had said "Peter Lorre has a funny voice, let's just get him to do all of our characters. Maybe Cary Grant is available in his part time, too." It's pretty stupid - just like the current state of kid's movies I guess.