Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Big Gub'ment Barry

This chart debunks the myth that Obama is "big government", to summarize via HERE:
The private sector grew faster in the first three years of the Obama administration than it did in three of the previous five administrations — the exception being Bill Clinton’s administrations, when private sector growth was more rapid. In both of George W. Bush’s terms as well as in the first three years of the George H. W. Bush administration, though, the private sector grew more slowly.
As Sully notes,
No administration has reduced aggregate government spending as a precentage of GDP as much as Obama's in forty years. If you look at the full chart, back to George HW Bush, you reach an inescapable conclusion: the biggest spenders and borrowers are Republicans and the most fiscally conservative presidents have been Democrats. Given the last two decades, the Tea Party, if they really want to shrink government, should be voting for Obama.
But they won't, which gee, is a real mystery considering their devotion to small government and reduced spending. And now we see that last year, under "anti-business Obama", corporations made a record $824 billion, which hardly makes the case for Obama as the freedom-hating socialist who refuses to unleash the beast of capitalism.

So Obama has shrunken government and exploded the private sector while getting a record amount of money into the hands of the wealthiest of the wealthy. In other words, will punching a coupla fags in the face finally convince these people he's given them EXACTLY what they've been clamoring for? These are just more instances of the Obama Paradox:
He's not closing Gitmo. He's still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can take your guns to church in some states, and I'm "guessing" he'll lose the "battle" against the Bush tax cuts. He let "Obamacare" be whittled down to "water in hospitals can't have visible rust."  Bailoutgate and TARP were started by Bush, so he didn't actually invent spending. He still won't let fags openly serve in the military and hell, he even kept a Clinton out of the White House.

Someone needs to explain to me why Republicans hate him so much.

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