Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Denver Airport, We Have A Problem...You're an Idiot.

I took a picture of this plaque at the Denver Airport the other day but only really read it just now, and I see that it says that Apollo XIII's oxygen tank exploded 250,000 miles from Earth. This made me scratch my dangerously beautiful head, as I knew that the moon itself was approximately 250,000 miles from the Earth (research: when the moon is closest to earth it is 225632 miles away. When it is at it's furthest point away it is 252,099 miles away. The average distance away is 238,854 miles away.) I know from reading about the mission that this was not the case, and HERE NASA writes that the tank exploded 200,000 miles from Earth.  What the fuck? They couldn't get this right on a fucking plaque dedicated to the guy? Has nobody ever really noticed this? It's not as if they're just a little off, they're off by more than 20%; more importantly, they're saying it basically took place AT or PAST the moon, which is ridiculous. Just like my perfect lips, how can this go so long unnoticed?

UPDATE: AND they think Swigert was black!!!!! How stupid are these people?

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