Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Dinosaurs, Farts - How Much More Can I Possibly Give You People?

The one disappointment I have in Lil Big Bear and The Short Bus is that they're the only 2 males on the planet who don't think farts are hysterical. I'll let fly a roundhouse to the senses, and instead of howling laughter will be met with blank stares. Disappointing. I guess their thinking is "congratulations on breaking wind, old man. I just shit myself, so..." I look forward to the day they start laughing their heads off at farts. And Yo Mama jokes. I.E.,  my whole canon. - XMASTIME
Every kid I know is obsessed both with dinosaurs and anything having to do with butts, including farting/talking about farting/making armpit farts etc (I've already promised Big Bear I'd train him in the fine arts of the back fart.)

And now we have the perfect storm: did farting kill the dinosaurs?
According to this research, the prehistoric beasts may have tooted so much methane into the air that they triggered a catastrophic climate change and, consequently, their own extinction. 

Last week's fart gem HERE.

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