Thursday, May 17, 2012

Facebook Guy, Again

The Facebook Guy might've overplayed his hand, and won't be able to re-enter the United States:
“There’s a specific provision of immigration law that says that a former citizen who officially renounces citizenship, and is determined to have renounced it for the purpose of avoiding taxation, is excludable,” said Crystal Williams, executive director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. “So he would not be able to return to the United States if he’s found to have renounced for tax purposes.”

“He’s fucked,” said Adam Green, an immigration lawyer based in Los Angeles. “He must have gotten horrendous advice.
Of course, the odds that a billionaire won't be allowed to do exactly what he wants to do in America is laughable; in particular, I look forward to the GOP's outrage re: being fools championing rich fuckers who would not cross the street to spit on them and literally cost them money  Severin's not being allowed back in the country to, say it with me, "create jobs!!!!"

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