Thursday, May 17, 2012

Facebook is Still Around?

The other day HERE I mentioned the guy from The Social Network becoming a hero of the Right for saying "it's been reals!" to America, and now Chuck Schumer is introducing a bill suggesting that people shouldn't be able to ditch America to weasel out of paying their taxes:
At a news conference this morning, Sens. Schumer and Bob Casey, D-Pa., will unveil the “Ex-PATRIOT” – “Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy” – Act to respond directly to Saverin’s move, which they dub a “scheme” that would “help him duck up to $67 million in taxes.
The senators will call Saverin’s move an “outrage” and will outline their plan to re-impose taxes on expatriates like Saverin even after they flee the United States and take up residence in a foreign country. Their proposal would also impose a mandatory 30 percent tax on the capital gains of anybody who renounces their U.S. citizenship.
This makes total sense to me; in other words, Schumer is introducing a bill that not only won't see the light of day in the House, but will also be used to brand him as someone who doesn't believe that Jesus has a big foam 'AMERICA'S #1!!!!' finger permanently attached to his face.

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