Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tag(g), You're (Sh)it!

About halfway through the season, some people were counting the Steelers out, Bush said.
"They said you didn't have a chance," Bush deadpanned. "I kind of know the feeling."
Cause yeah, if you’re born into an amazingly rich and powerful family, get into Yale even though you MIGHT be retarded, get handed a Major League Baseball team, have the keys to the White House while your dad is vice-president/president for 12 years, and then get handed the presidency even though you might not have actually won, I guess it’s natural to feel like the deck’s stacked against you. - XMASTIME
Tagg Romney, presumably named by Sarah Palin, is trying to convince people that his father being Mitt Romney has nothing to do with why people were popping their hammies jumping up to fork over tens of millions of dollars to a private-equity startup:
“No one we went to as an investor said, ‘Oh, your dad is Mitt Romney, I’m going to give you $10 million,” Tagg Romney said, noting that his father’s political future was uncertain when the firm began. He added, “Our relationships with people got us in the door, but that did not get us investors.”
Yes. Of course. Meritocracy is a wonderful thing.   And good on Tagg Romney for triumphing over having been born incredibly lucky and rich:
...the need to feel like an oppressed underdog who has succeeded against all odds is as American as apple pie.  One thing America is fascinated by is the ruling class of the uber-wealthy, and the more uber-wealthier they get the more we're fascinated by them, and yet they always feel like they have to win some public relations war for our affection that doesn't exist, be it corporations crying foul on being asked to pay taxes, or NFL owners having to swallow only making a trillion dollars a day.  Nobody likes to admit out loud "part of my success is due to economic and social conditions cemented long before I was even born"; we must be made to believe that Successful Person X was left to die in a dumpster, then pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and became a real rags to riches story. 
Jesus, how many times am I gonna re-post that Bush quote? Ugh. I fucking hate myself.

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