Friday, May 11, 2012

Well, This Sounds Too Amazing to Be True

Apparently, Wilt Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor spent a summer in DC gunning the rock:
Chamberlain and Baylor went at it in five-on-five encounters on various D.C. playgrounds around town. The city's top young black ballplayers played alongside the headliners, making for an ungodly assemblage of future NBA first-round picks, NCAA tournament MVPs, and Hall of Famers. Flash mobs created entirely via analog social media appeared wherever Chamberlain and Baylor played.
"It was people hanging on the fences, on the rooftops, everybody there to watch Elgin and Wilt," says Ernie Dunston, who in 1957 was a sophomore at Spingarn High School, and who would later follow fellow Spingarn alum Baylor to Seattle University.
Why the fuck have I never heard of this? How is that eve possible - where's the HBO doc about this?

The highest compliment I can give them is I'm sure they would've done well in THE GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED.

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