Friday, May 11, 2012

Yet another Brilliant Idea By Moi

Here's a list of The Best Audiobooks; I haven't bothered reading it because it's not about me, but it does remind me of an idea I had this weekend.  I wanna write a book and then read for the audiobook, during which I completely trash the book as I go. "What's this?" "What the fuck did I mean with that?" etc. Or I'd take entire minutes to pat myself on the back after a "brilliant" passage; inevitably, I'd digress and start telling high school football stories or some such. How great would that be?

I can also extend my services to other books as well - would you rather some dry, dull motherfucker read Moby Dick to you, or me? "Chasing whales? In the ocean? These fuckers are crazy!"  Camon, people, let's do this!

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