Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where I Am Right Now.

Meanwhile, over the past year or so I've started musing about becoming involved in a church - not for "spiritual" reasons, but in a way to meet the kind of people I don't normally meet.  I should officially give up on meeting Mrs. Xmastime after seven containers at The Nest and focus on meeting her at a pancake supper, for instance.  Or dudes with a "somewhat" different career ambition than my own (ie, exists.) Anything, that is, that gets me out into some fresh air and out of the lone-wolf angry stew I'm most comfortable inhabiting. Dare I take advantage of having to sign up with a church anyway, and see if I can find some societal comfort from it?  Meet new, (hopefully) exciting people?  Maybe.  Maybe not. - XMASTIME
Here's a picture from my buddy Drew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Start a church. Ask around the park if there is a preacher who would be willing to do a bible study on the lawn there. Simple. Bring food and beverages. If you plan it they will come.