Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Bristol Stomp

I tried to watch Britol Palin's "reality" show last night, but simply couldn't. I don't mean to be h8n' on Lil Sniffs, the kids were the only watchable part of Sniffy's stupid show, especially Piper, but it's just a total zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzfest. It's 1/2 "my mom is awesome, wouldn't you like to elect her president?" and 1/2 "oh look at me, I'm a fighter/survivor overcoming all odds and the h8rs need to get a life, I'm so over it even though here I have a camera crew following me around watching me do...well,something will come up (probably h8rs on my mom!)" This may be the first real-life Facebook account come to life. In other words, who gives a shit. She's just some kid wandering around looking for our sympathy about her being rich and famous. She's not a monster, she's just dull, needy, and a robot for her mother's brand.

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