Friday, June 29, 2012

Dear Tea Party Facebook Friends Who Think They're Being Clever Naming The Beatles 'Taxman' Obama's Theme Song:

While George may have been the Tea Party Beatle in that he just flat-out hated taxes, the song is about The Beatles being in such a high tax bracket it was actually called a "supertax":
The Beatles' large earnings placed them in the top tax bracket in the United Kingdom, liable to a 95% supertax introduced by Harold Wilson's Labour government.
Meaning yes, if you too were a multi-millionaire you'd be right to worry about Obama raising tax rates on you, albeit  1) not anywhere near 95% and 2) not while making you suffer the soul-crushing, Jesus-and-freedom-destroying socialism that England enforces on it's unknowing victims. As far as I know, none of my FB friends should really be up at night terrified they're gonna wake up as fabulously wealthy CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, so come the fuck on already with that shit.

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