Friday, June 29, 2012

Hey, Here's a Shocker

Dubyanuts might have been the worst president ever (well, "yet", I should say):
Contributing to Bush’s problems was a personality trait that hindered his ability to work with others in the political arena, particularly the opposition Democrats. He brought to his presidency a high level of sanctimony — an apparent conviction that he operated on a higher plane of rectitude than other politicians.

In Bush’s case it was seen in his refusal to acknowledge any major mistakes, which made it difficult for him to change course when inevitable setbacks demanded flexibility. This rigidity not only kept him clinging to failed policies but also created the spectacle of the president issuing what conservative commentator William F. Buckley Jr. called “high-flown pronouncements” about plans and programs seen widely by others as hopeless.
His defenders of course like to loftily say "oh, a hundred years from now history will determine that he was a great president", as if it's something us normal people, you know, just don't "get" just yet. The genius of course is it's impossible to disprove in our lifetimes. If I said "100 years from now wolverines will be working the layaway department at Target", can you prove I'm wrong? No, and here's the irony: a wolverine would probably make a better president than Bush was!!

Mind? BLOWN!

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