Monday, June 25, 2012

First-World Problems

Ding ding ding, we havea  winner: authors who hated the movie versions of their books.

Oh, boo fucking hoo. Pooooooooooooooor you!

Just like when people are asked for their most embarrassing moment and use it to still look cool by saying something like "when I tripped over Paul McCartney's foot when receiving an award for Most Handsome Man on Earth" instead of the truth like "cannot read or write," it comes to mind I should be using these confessions as a backhanded way of looking cool.  Such as, instead of confessing to once running over a dog and not even stopping, I should "be embarrassed" about having a three-way with a coupla college freshmen sorority sisters.  Twins, even (to be said in the voice of Snagglepuss, ie "snagglepussing") (and yes - I still have goals in this thing called life.)

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