Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The GOP Loves them Some Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce

The combination of the David Brooks column on Bruce and the Chris Christie one has legs on it, including THIS GUY HERE rolling his eyes re: we get it,you  old rich conservative fucks, you like Bruce Springsteen. My faves on the Brooks joint:
 - The success of Springsteen is, apparently, some sort of object lesson in staying true to your (geographical?) roots, and not being too “eclectic,” or something, who the fuck knows. The column literally has this line in it: “Did it occur to them at that moment that, in fact, they were not born in the U.S.A.?” I don’t know, David, do Clash fans realize that London is not actually calling them?

- Brooks’ entire story of how Bruce’s success is rooted in his deep connection to his original roots and milieu completely ignores the stylistic eclecticism that has defined his career since fucking “Nebraska” (an album that is not named “New Jersey, Where I Am From”) but whatever. Whatever, David. No one cares that you like Bruce Springsteen.
And eff you too Rex Ryan:
But, Chris Christie, you are not actually the world’s biggest Bruce Springsteen fan, and you are something of a jerk so it basically makes sense that the (actually somewhat shy and retiring) Springsteen doesn’t want to grab a beer and shoot the shit with you, because, like everyone else in the world, he does not care that you like Bruce Springsteen. No one does.
And of course the old George Will quote will never die.

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