Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fuck You, Buzzfeed

I've always thought the honorable thing to do as a blogger was to always link your sources for any non-original content. It's a simple thing to do, and one you'd expect in return should someone cite your own blog. But it looks like Buzzfeed, which makes millions o dollars doing what a lot of people do for free, not only merely cut n pastes most of their shit from Reddit et al, but they're cagey about where the original source was. I don't understand this. It's not as if someone goes to Buzzfeed, clicks through a link to see the original source, and then makes a decision never o go to Buzzfeed again. But  now that I know they're being unnecessarily deceitful, I can't say I'm really popping a hamstring to go to Buzzfeed at this moment.

Oh, wait - they just posted 14 Pictures of Squirrels Watching German Scat Porn. See ya!

Here's Buzzfeed's founder.  Gee, he doesn't look like a creepazoid at all, does he?

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