Wednesday, June 27, 2012


3) With warm weather coming up I’m bracing myself for the inevitable advice we’ll get during the first heat wave: “Stay inside with the air conditoning on.” Really? Wow, thanks! Cause I was gonna cover myself in maple syrup, put on my heaviest wool sweater and spin in circles on the baking asphalt for a while. Thanks! Jesus fucking christ. “Stay inside with the ac on.” If I could do that, Professor, then I wouldn’t give 2 shits about the fucking heat, now would I? That’s like if I wanna be a millionaire, “Have a million dollars in the bank!” thanks, assface. - XMASTIME
Ah, yes, HERE we see a "report" on how to fly to Paris "in comfort, on a budget". And then we click through and it turns out that the big secret is ta-DA!! have a lot of money. Thanks, professor!

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