Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I'll try to be nice since he's Op's bff, but Gilbert Arenas has officially been called out as the best-paid scrub in sports.  Ha!

Here's everything I've written about Arenas since 2007:
- I think the whole Gilbert Arenas pulling a gun in the locker room thing would be a lot cooler if the team was still called The Bullets. Just sayin.

- Gilbert Arenas is an assclown who has gotten tens of millions of dollars to play about 6 more NBA games than me, and yet he can't go longer than three minutes without whining about being picked so late in the draft, and having to overcome being born with a freakish genetic gift that makes rich men bid for the right to have him come play a child's game for them in order to eke out a living.  And on, and on, and on.

- While on one hand I appreciate any athlete who tries to say interesting things other than the standard sporting clichés, for some reason I've always intuited Gilbert Arenas to be a fool. For all his talents, at some point he decided to become a bit of a "character," and I've always known it was only a matter of time before he did something really stupid - in other words, Arenas is the Kanye West of the NBA.

And while it's easy to kinda give him a pass cause he seems like a nice guy, and it's "oh, Gilbert's just joking/being goofy," once you're bringing guns into an NBA arena I think it's time to play the OWWIDIRAHPT?* card.

*Okay, What Would I Do If Ron Artest Had Pulled This?

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