Thursday, June 14, 2012

I Have a Complaint.

Dear ABC Family Channel:

I'm sorry, but you cannot advertise Remember the Titans as being equal parts Denzel Washington and Ryan Gosling. I understand that Gosling is the latest "It" boy in Hollywood - all the chicks wanna be with him, and all the guys wanna...well, o dude really wants to BE him, but the chicks like him, so.  But unlike Denzel, who single0handedly carries the movie and alllllmost lifts it above it's inevitable schmaltzified Disney status, Gosling has a more-minor-than-minor role in which he is a cornerback so slow and shitty that even the coach's 6 year-old daughter is frustrated by his crappy performance. Meanwhile, his only scene off the field is one in which he reminds everyone that white people suck because we listen to Buck Owens. So while I encourage everyone to watch the movie, despite FilmVetter's tone-deaf review of it, I feel ABC Family is guilty of false advertising. Why not just include the coach's kid with this pic? I mean, wtf?

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