Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mittney Reacts!

Obviously the blatant, barely-pretending-to-hide-it lying by McCain is out of control. And, because the American voters are so fucking stupid, the shit works. My question is, why stop with the lies he's already propagated thus far? Why doesn't McCain go all the way - why not tell us that if we vote for him, he'll give us $100,000 each? Why not tell us that if they win, Palin will come blow in your ear for 20 minutes? -  XMASTIME
Right on schedule, Romney has come out and said that Day One of his presidency, he's repealing Obamacare. Of course. Cause it's that easy.

One thing that's great about living in Virginia as opposed to NYC is that I get to see political ads, and lemme tell you, if these Romney ads are telling the truth, it's gonna be an amazing first 100 days. Well, he doesn't say a lot about what he actually wants to do, but he will in fact reverse everything Obama has done on Day 1, and then overnight the economy will finally be able to unleash capitalism on a waiting population desperate to spend their sacks of cash and oh before lunch that Monday, unemployment will vanish. POOF!

As I've said before with McCain, to be honest, I don't know why these guys just don't go all the fuck in. Romney has nothing really substantive to offer (except, you know, secret ones that will make America #1 again! Instantly!), so why not just blatantly lie about giving people shit? His ads should be him with groups of "regular folks" answering questions: "whaddya want, a car? Sure. You - a boat? Sure, why not" and on and on.

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